Downgrade domain to stopgap?

is it possible to take an existing domain and "reduce" it to a stopgap domain, essentially deleting the zone file + mail etc. and be left w/ the domain alias and the folder+data that was there before?
thx, stephen. so the only way to move a domain from one account to another really is deleting it completely from account #1 and then (and only then -- after it's gone) set it up on account #2? just seems really awkward, particularly in situations where it's a) imperative to avoid downtime, and b) there's a wish to maintain the legacy site live under a non-public address.

ah, well.
The only way to do what you want would be with the account mover in hsphere, which only does same platform to same platform level moves, and then of course, moving away from Hsphere to another platform(cp) would do the same as well. Sorry there is not much other choice here if you need to switch platforms.