Drupal install problems


I've been struggling getting drupal to install on web6 all day.

I've given up on the older version and loaded the current 6.1.6 version. However when I hit the /install.php and click Install in English a blank page is returned.

I have found this information about this. cheap dreamweaver It is the exact problem I'm having. How can I edit the php.ini file OR is there something Jodo needs to do every time I install Drupal?

online post addressing this issue:
The URL of the blank page read "install.php?profile=default&locale=en". I tried searching for a solution but couldn't find one specific to my problem. In the end, I worked out that the issue was with the timeout settings in php configuration file "php.ini". To solve this simply increase the max execution time to 60 seconds. This is done my editing the following line in your "php.ini" file.

max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds

the 'php.ini' is not exactly that on linux, try putting in your htaccess file instead.
I installed Drupal a few times at JodoHost and the installation went smoothly except once. I don't recall which server it was but it wasn't recognizing stuff in my .htaccess. I eventually discovered that I could fix it by replacing the tabs in .htaccess with a space. No part of the install took more than a few seconds so the timeout shouldn't be an issue.

I hate to say it but I gave up running Drupal at JodoHost. The reason is that I was constantly having problems with mod-security thinking that the POST values from some modules were suspicious. Support was always helpful and willing to add an exception but it just got too tedious. I now have my Drupal sites elsewhere on a Linux VPS.

The mod-security thing might be your problem now although I never struck it during installation. You can see it in the Apache error log. I think you need to turn logging on first.