Why not just publish all the WSDL's so that we don't have to keep asking you for permission? It's not like just anyone can access the web services themselves in question, or they'll get thrown with that same 403 that's been plagueing me lately
Also I'm floating the idea of building a mobile app to allow me to change some client settings right off my Droid phone while I'm on the road (a mobile Hsphere platform if you will). Seeing as I can't access the Web Services directly from the mobile without getting thrown, would there be any objection to me using a "proxy" web service hosted on my site that my Droid could access? Just wanted to make sure it was ok before I did anything. Thanks!
Also I'm floating the idea of building a mobile app to allow me to change some client settings right off my Droid phone while I'm on the road (a mobile Hsphere platform if you will). Seeing as I can't access the Web Services directly from the mobile without getting thrown, would there be any objection to me using a "proxy" web service hosted on my site that my Droid could access? Just wanted to make sure it was ok before I did anything. Thanks!