Emails to AOL from website don't arrive


11 Mar 11

I've searched the forums for some help but to no avail. Emails sent from my site to AOL addresses never arrive, they just fanish into the ether leaving no trace of their existence; no bounce backs, nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas to fix this please?

Many thanks,
PS Site uses PHP mailer in Joomla 1.52
From all the discussions I've seen on these forums about similar problems, I suspect that the web server is sending mail directly. The solution is to use authentication and send via your account's regular mail server.
Thanks for the advice - but no luck so far though I'm trying different settings.

In Joomla:
Mailer SMTP server selected
Port 25
SMTP Username
SMTP Password zzzzz

Ive set up the webmaster@ account in my Jodo user CP with these settings but so far I'm not getting any emails - let alone to AOL!

Any tips?

Further to above, it makes no difference whether I set SMTP auth to ON or OFF in Joomla, emails still don't get sent.

I'm guessing that SMTP Host means SMTP server name?

.....most this day and age.....rant wasn't like this in my day....rant...
Tried 587 but no joy. In fact I've exhausted the possibilities with SMTP so I'm trying to get the site to use Gmail servers, but again, no joy so far.

Ultimately, I'll just have to ignore AOL members!
could the mail be being dropped due to spf rules on the destination server? I've had so many customers with similar email issues since the moves and generally it's come down to port number/smtp auth if sent via a web form or/and failing spf.The default hsphere spf txt record seems to fail on more than a few mail servers.
hotmail and gmail were definitely not accepting email from one of the go*****re mail servers on cl2 due to spf
Thanks Cdog, Stephen, NZKiwi et al - what a complex subject - give me General Relativity/Riemanns Hypothesis any time!

I'll keep slugging away and see what I come up with, but in the meantime any suggestions will be most gratefully accepted.
Seemed to have solved the problem, and it works with AOL too :)

In Joomla I set SMTP with SMTP Auth (but no SSL etc) and used port 25 (587 didn't work - why I don't know???)