Emergency Support - DB Lost

I found a duplicate buried within the site. I am downloading it in hopes that this is where it was mirrored.

Fingers crossed
I found it. Somehow a portion of the site was mirrored within the site. It included the db. I have no idea how this occured but hopefully you can find it. My heart couldn't take another hit like that.

Its odd because I create here and upload everything to mirror my own server. I have nothing from that mirrored directory here so I cannot have possibly done this inadvertantly....
OK well, i really dont know how our support staff is "useless" because they handle 90% of the support load

Anyway, please update your ticket saying its solved. Our admin was just about to recover your DB from back up
Yash said:
OK well, i really dont know how our support staff is "useless" because they handle 90% of the support load

Anyway, please update your ticket saying its solved. Our admin was just about to recover your DB from back up

Yash I said "Useless Responses" Others have complained as well about the same thing. Don't take it out of context. I have updated the ticket and mentioned what I found in hopes of you being able to figure out how it happened so that it does not happen again.

As far as response I can say that this one was handled quite well by your support staff, They looked and found the same thing I did. There was no generic response this time as in times past that resolved nothing. I believe it was handled as it should have been and I am very thankful for that. It appears you are working some issues out with your support department as you said you were.

It is actually encouraging for me to see this progress has been made. It helps restore some faith. It shows me there is more reliability than I thought.

Thanks Yash and Biswas. << the name of the support person in the support ticket is an improvement as well. This way we know who is doing their job. Biswas was and I thank him for it.