Error ASP 0115 - Help me!


This is my first time in this forum. Sorry my grammar please, but I do not have enought practice with writing.

I use Xp Pro SP2 with all the patches publish in Windows Update. Suddenly all of my local ASP pages shows this error

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115' (0x80004005)
A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

I check a lot of pages in Internet and try many Knoledge Base articles of Microsoft but I do not resolve the problem. I think at first that the problem is whit Access (i use Access 2003) but the problem is also with MySQL (i use also Access and MySQL with ASP)

The problem seems that is some problem with


My last solution is format and re-install Xp and hope that the problem is fixed.

Is somebody knows something about this problem please help me..... I have a lot of ASP works and I need to use it (and create new ones) with Access.

Sorry my grammar. Merry Christmas!!!!!
Thanks for answere my post.
I just have the last MDAC (2.8 under XP). But I don't know how to repair it because like you I think that maybe the problem. Do you have any idea?

Thanks a lot my friend!!!!!!!
I just found a solution for my problem........ I hope that this tip will be usefull for somebody.......

The problem seems, in most of the articles of the Knoledge Base of Microsoft, a problem with MDAC. As you know, Xp SP2 have the MDAC 2.8, the last version. So, the tip is re-install the MDAC only. I found this tip:

How to repair a copy of MDAC 2.8 SP1 on Windows XP with SP2 installed.

Right-click on C:\Windows\Inf\mdac.inf and choose "Install".

When prompted for the XP SP2 media, point to the i386 folder in one of these places:

1. The \i386 folder on the XP SP2 CDROM. If you are unlucky enough to have a CDROM
that has XPSP2.EXE in the root of the CDROM, and no \i386 folder, then you will
have to create an i386 folder using a command like this,
Then point to C:\XpSp2\i386.

original link:
h t t p : / / www. lawebdelprogramador. com / f o r o s / m o s t r ar_new.php?id=202&texto=Windows+XP&n1=298181&n2=1&n3=1&n4=1&n5=1&n6=0&n7=0&n8=0&n9=0&n0=0

And that's all my friends!..... finally the error ASP 0115 was gone. Now I have a little problem......

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)
An exception occurred: 'Open'

...... searching in the Knoledge Base I found an article FIX: When You Store an ActiveX Data Objects Recordset Object Session in Internet Information Server 5.0 and refer also the MDAC.... but I believe that something with Microsoft Jet 4.0 dll's are wrong yet..... so I now searchig how to re-install Microsoft Jet 4.0 and one way is re-isntall SP2..... not Xp SP2 but only SP2......

of course then I must go to Windows Update to re-install a lot of KB but no problem.....

thanks again for the support!!!!!! have nice Xmas!!!!!!!!