Hi, I'm a new Jodo customer as of today and I've just begun to set up a reseller light account following the step-by-step guide, which is a great help as I'm quite ignorant of many of the finer details involved in doing this. I have reached a spot where I am stuck. I have sucessfully followed the guide to the point where I have created my DNS Zone; however, it is still too early to verify if this was sucessful. The guide said to "skip this step and the next step" it was speaking about verifying DNS propegation. So, I skiped these steps and moved on to CHANGE CONTROL PANEL'S URL which I did. However, I can't log in using the cp.mywebhost format. When I use the link provided in the welcome email, I can log in, but I can't log in to the Administrative Account. Also, I can't get into the Setting up the service account page. When I log in, I look under the Info menu for the "Plan Creation Wizards" option, but it isn't there. Is this a function of DNS propegation or is it a step that needs to be done after logging into the admin account or am I missing a step that isn't in the guide?