Failure on Admin CP login

Hi, I'm a new Jodo customer as of today and I've just begun to set up a reseller light account following the step-by-step guide, which is a great help as I'm quite ignorant of many of the finer details involved in doing this. I have reached a spot where I am stuck. I have sucessfully followed the guide to the point where I have created my DNS Zone; however, it is still too early to verify if this was sucessful. The guide said to "skip this step and the next step" it was speaking about verifying DNS propegation. So, I skiped these steps and moved on to CHANGE CONTROL PANEL'S URL which I did. However, I can't log in using the cp.mywebhost format. When I use the link provided in the welcome email, I can log in, but I can't log in to the Administrative Account. Also, I can't get into the Setting up the service account page. When I log in, I look under the Info menu for the "Plan Creation Wizards" option, but it isn't there. Is this a function of DNS propegation or is it a step that needs to be done after logging into the admin account or am I missing a step that isn't in the guide?


If you can't login to the admin cp now it means your DNS is not progated, to fix you need to login to https://cp.m**** with you main reseller login, go to admin, change CP URL and click set to defauly, then you can control your reseller account again.

You need to wait until DNS is pointed here to change