Feedback regarding proxy annoucement


US Operations
Staff member
This is the thread to reply to any discussion on the proxy TOS clarification announcement.

Sorry for the ignorance, but what benefits are they seeking...on using proxies?

I just dont know what it's for. Perhaps we can help on identifying these super smart people. Get them to stop Or sell them a dedicated :D
afaik, it's just a "middleman" situation, where you call a URL of the proxy site, in which you also pass the URL of the page you really want to see. The proxy grabs it for you and spits it back to your browser.

Because it's sitting in between you and the content you are seeking, it can filter out your cookies, IP address, and whatever else is in your browser headers or the headers of the page it returns to you. That's a web proxy. There are other kinds too.

The bad thing (in a shared environment) is that it uses a lot of processing power, bandwidth, memory, etc. to do what it does, so it can affect other users on the same server. That sort of application should really be on a semi or fully dedicated machine.
afaik, it's just a "middleman" situation, where you call a URL of the proxy site, in which you also pass the URL of the page you really want to see. The proxy grabs it for you and spits it back to your browser.

So, how far does that, if I have a click-tracking script on a site that records which links are clicked and then delivers the final URL, is that a proxy that's going to get me into trouble? What about an ad-click tracker on my Google AdWords landing page? What about the web server stats script I wrote -- it basically proxies the real server stats images to mask the Jodo URLs for all you resellers.

I think all those are very valid uses of "proxying" URLs. I hope those sorts of things aren't going to be off-limits. I can see Jodo not wanting any of us to set up clones and such.


I am not talking about that type of thing, I am talking about using it in more of way that would allow someone to browse the internet via the server, with the server IP showing in the sites logs as the visitor.

It can cause some major problems if say, someone leaves a major threat on a forum, and it shows the server IP as the IP of the person making the threat.....
I might have a client with a situation like this...

The site uses proxy on another Network, to pull info from our Network here.

Would that put a strain on the servers here??
Its no different than someone browsing.

The issue was with people running these scripts that make their website a proxy, not people using proxies! Proxies do have some valid purposes, but we do not allow them on our shared servers, or the semi-dedicated server either....
Does this in anyway place restrictions on serving remote banner and/or text ads using an ad server hosted here?
I was running into a problem of using remote invocation for javascript not showing up specifically on JH hosted sites (windows and linux), locally hosted ads are ok. I'll keep tinkering.