FileManager and MSSQL Manager Problems


Is anyone else having issues with the FileManager and MSSQL Manager on the customers boxes.

I send a ticket to support:

Problem here is that I can't find it either because FileManager isn't working. Look and see.

That ticket says the problem is that FileManager is not working and that it needs to get fixed, and the answer was:

YOu may use a FTP tool like WSFTP or CuteFTP to connect to the server, you need to use the FTP login and password to login and check the DB name. Kindly use it and send us the DB name so that we can proceed further.

I was trying to get a DSN name created but I couldn't log into my customers account because the FileManager is not working. They suggest that I use FTP but I have no clue what the password is. Second how do I explain that to my customer when I should have everything working.
Both these issues are being worked upon shamrox.
If you need to login to your customer's FTP account in the meantime, you can grab their password (which they signed up with) by clicking on their usernaem from the search window and then clicking signup info

What we do (if customer hasn't supplied a ftp password) is to change the ftp password to a temporary password and then ask the customer to change his password back to the desired one. That saves both our time and the customer's time.