General Question...No rush needed...!!

Before Ive always posted with probs, and to the major part, they were always treated with haste, and skill from your end... :)

This time it is a general question, and pos one that may be directed to another area of the forums...

I mainly do a web site for a gaming Mod for BF1942, BUT, I have a lot of space in your site free, and lost in my monthly allowance..

So, my question is, can I set up a dedicated game server, with my existing allowances, and how would I do it,..?

The game has a dedicated 120MB dl file, for setting up a server, but as this site will be hosting the online game, does that mean I need to upload and run the full game here.?, I dont think so, as the game alone is 4GB, but I see small servers everywhere hosting this game.

Is it a virtual server way of thinking, ?, or am I in the wrong area completly..?

Ive got 26000 dl from 1 site alone,And over 120,000 dl in total, and setting up as a dedicated server, has always been an idea of mine, so all feedback, is appreciated...


I understand fully what you are asking here, but it would not be possible, as the BF servers are quite resource intensive. Some gaming specific companies have made it so that they can get about 10 "servers" per server, but they are dedicated just to that, not hosting as well. If you just wanted to host a download file, there would be no problem, but actually running the server on the shared hosting service would not work.