Google Maps API - Postcode to GLatLng


I'm trying to create a member map for a forum I run, and I'm ok at kind of understanding ASP, but trying to change code etc I'm terrible at.

So, I was hoping someone might be able to help me, or know of something out there already...

Basically I'd like to be able to have a postcode field when someone registers, and when they hit submit, for that postcode to also populate the db with a longitude / latitude of the postcode.

Then with the longitude / latitude, show the member on a Google Map, using their APIs etc (which I also don't fully understand).

Now I've come across a brilliant piece of code that someone's made, but I can't work out how to pull the longitude / latitude to insert into a db, nevermind just show it on the page;

UK Postcode Search for Google Map API (geocode) - - Doing It Right

Would anyone be able to help me out with this please?

PS - I also think this would be a good add-on for the JodoHost forum ;)