Habari system requirements


I'm not a php person so I'm not familiar with this but I am interested in testing out this new blogging platform.

So I'm wondering, if Jodo supports these system requirements:


- PHP 5.2.x or above - Habari will not work with PHP 4.
- PHP Data Objects support.

Depending on the database you are using, the following pdo extensions need to be enabled
- pdo-mysql
- pdo-sqlite
- pdo-pgsql

The following extensions enabled in PHP
- hash
- iconv
- tokenizer
- mbstring

Thanks for any help! And if anyone has actually used this blogging app before, please give your opinions. Thanks!
- PHP 5.2.x or above - Habari will not work with PHP 4.
- PHP Data Objects support.

Depending on the database you are using, the following pdo extensions need to be enabled
- pdo-mysql
- pdo-sqlite
- pdo-pgsql

The following extensions enabled in PHP
- hash
- iconv
- tokenizer
- mbstring

New Linux hosting accounts satisfy all of above requirements.