inherited permissions...

is there a way to assign the same permissions, automatically, to all of the subdirectories of a directory on a linux account (not vps, regular linux account). for instance, if i want to give all of the sub directories and files of a particular directory "o+w" access. i can't seem to find a way to do it with Webshell...

this is extremely useful, and almost necessary, for some CMS installations. many CMS need a number of directories to be writeable, and it is a pain to manually assign permissions to each of the directories individually (in, for instance, the CMS drupal).
i found an excellent open-source product:

which has a CHMOD script that can do just this (like the "chmod -R" command). so for anyone needing this functionality, i hope you find this useful.

btw, one of the jodohost support staff told me this was not possible (-; but their staff is really great and they are usually lighting fast to answer me.

i also beleive SmartFTP can be configured to do this using their "custom" commands, since they have a "custom" CHMOD command on their client. However, i haven't looked into this, since i found a solution.