Interesting Issue with H-Sphere

I am not sure if this issue is the result of the techs working on the DNS problem. Anyway, the login page for m****ere is working just fine, if I try the wrong password.. It let's me know... When I try the correct password it tries to start loading the H-Sphere interface... The control panel will not load for any of my accounts. Also any word on the DNS issue? I have new clients that are interested, however concerned about stability.. Has anyone else noticed a similar lag, or malfunction with the CP?
Thanks for the reply SoundCompanies... Question... Is the fact that I cannot view any of my most recently added sites a result of the DNS issue? well actually, my service domain is the only one that works.

CP is working again...
Unfortunatly, I'm really not sure. I deleted a client and recreated them yesterday without any cpanel problems (so far.)

My only known issue today is that all clients residing on a different machine than my system domain have no independent mail functionality.

I imagine that all of these problems are dns related. Specifically for my issue is that is not forwarding to It sounds like your issue is that your clients control panels are not forwarding to you Have you tried logging into your clients control panels via

If you are able to successfully login, it is most likely a dns issue.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Try pinging your DNS servers... It seems that the IPs are becoming un binded from BIND... When I talked to Yash about (1pm CST) he said they were working on getting new DNS servers up in place and to recreate all the DNS zones over.

As far as the CP I have had no issues at all.
LOL forgot to refresh page.... The CP seems to be working fine now... Good luck to you guys on the New DNS server. Thank-you guys for the replies... Soundcompanies... I hadn't even thought of the login.html page... Unfortunately none of the site names are resolving so the html would not work... I know the guys are working on this.