Is win 4 down again

All sites in my account are not responding. I know there is a SSL issue currently being addressed as per my report 5227, but now the lot is down???

Is this local to my account or is the server down? Either way is a problem.

Has Just come back in http.... Still https problem
Yash said:
Win4 is not down and didn't go down
There is a HTTPs issue we are looking into

No problem, all I know is we couldnt access the sites. This was brought to my attention by subscribers who couldnt access them either, hence not a local issue.

The ordering systems are down still due to the https issue and have been for at least the last 8 hours that we know. Is their any update on how long this may last as we have no operational ordering capacity.
Thank you
this is a very big problem with HTTPS on Win4. It may take another 15 to 20 hours, I'm very sorry