1. If you have any problem setting up your reseller account, we can do it for you. Please see
2. Generally setting you reseller account with country domain is difficult for following reasons:
a. In most part of the world, country domain are registred through Govt. agency or someone authrized by them. They either charge too much for creating name servers or take too long to do that.
b. Generally they do not provide domain Control Panel to make this an automated process.
We suggest you should use .com/.net etc. domains.
If above is not possible, then following are steps (
1. As per step 2 (in above link) enter carx.ph in DNS Zone.
2. As per setp 4, CP will create ns.carx.ph and ns2.carx.ph are name servers. After you accept it, it will generate IPs for each of these name servers.
You take these name servers and IPs and ask you country domain registar to create name servers for carx.ph with above two and with above IPs. After name servers are created, they need to change name servers of carx.ph to above two domain name servers.