Live chat problems - office network causing problem - working to resolve


US Operations
Staff member
We have had several incidents since installing a new gateway appliance in the office were chats have been disconnected, or invisible to our staff and missed since activating the firewall and appliance features about 36 hours ago. We are actively working to resolve this now, and will post an update when it is working back 100%.

For now if you start a live chat and do not get a reply, after 5 minutes end the chat request and restart it. similarly if you are in chat and stop getting replies from the agent for 5+ minutes and they did not mention they would be working on the matter and away form the chat, you may wish to restart the chat.

This is a temporary issue, caused by a new security device on the office side only, not a server issue.
We have made some modifications and it looks better now. We are still monitoring it closely and will make additional changes if needed.
If you find no operator on JodoHost LIVE CHAT then try to contact us from "HERE"