log file dates ??


I've noticed the log files that are made available to us in the "logs" directory don't seem in line with the current time. There is a log file for every hour for every day.

It's now Feb 25, noon, and the latest log file is called ex04022916.log, which would on the surface appear to be log for today for activity between 4 PM and 5 PM.

Is the server in a different time zone?
malemanes said:
Is the server in a different time zone?

I think they are timestamped based on GMT. I'm in US Central time zone, so items timestamped in the 18:00 to 18:59 time-frame would represent 12:00 noon hour for me (GMT-6). At least I think that's how it works. Perhaps Yash or someone else can verify this.

IF you have logging enabled they are in your root folder, not your domain root, but the first folder you see when you FTP in. I fyou don't see a folder there called logs, you need to enable logging form the web options screen in the control panel.
Stephen said:
IF you have logging enabled they are in your root folder, not your domain root, but the first folder you see when you FTP in. I fyou don't see a folder there called logs, you need to enable logging form the web options screen in the control panel.

thank you