Mail 3 - Slow - Resolved


Staff member
Mail 3 is running slow a bit at the moment.We are checking it and will post an update soon.For now, IMAP service is stopped on it.
Re: Mail 3 - Slow

Just to update, Webmail for this server is also not working at the moment due to stopped IMAP service, as webmail is based on IMAP service.We are working to fix it as immediately as possible.
Re: Mail 3 - Slow

There was an issue in the DNS resolution for some domains and it is resolved now so the slowness is gone. IMAP will be up in just a short time.
Re: Mail 3 - Slow

Server is now stable and working normal.IMAP service has been started, Webmail has also started working.
If any customer still gets any error, please report us through live chat or by ticket.

Thanks for co-operation.