Mail4 Server Migration


US Operations
Staff member
Starting at 10:30PM Sunday EST, we will be performing a migration of the Mail4 server to a new hardware platform. The current server is experiencing some technical limitations because of a RAM limit with the SATA RAID card, and I/O limits of the SATA interface. We will be migrating mail4 to new hardware consisting of:

Dual AMD Opteron 246 Processors
3x73RAID5 u320 SCSI Interface
CentOS 3.6

We plan to maintain the old server up and running up right up to the time of the actual migration. Mail services should be down less than 45 minutes during the migration. We will provide updates throughout the migration process if there are any changes to these plans.
Mail4 in the recent months has been affected badly due to 2 large spam floods which pushed up I/O activity and increased load tremendously. This has made the server respond slowly or become unavailable

The new server configuration will ensure that the server's load remains manageable during issues like this. We thank our customers for their cooperation
This is to confirm that the Mail4 migration will happen as planned on 10:30PM EST (GMT - 5).

For those of you in the US, daylight savings mean the migration would begin at 11:30PM EDT (GMT - 4). Please take note of that.
Sync is in progress from mail4 to newmail4. We are just waiting for this process to be completed. once it is finished we will stop mailservice on mail4 and bring the new server up.
sync is finished.We are stopping mailservice on old mail4 and will be restarting it on new mail4 server. We are also stopping control panel to add this new mail4 server.
I think this is a job well done. I am sure our customers will agree with it.
Some domains had issues with accessing webmail on mail4. This issue was corrected about 45 minutes back. We apologise for that. POP3/SMTP services were not affected