Max Settings to Unlimited..

Does anyone know how to set the Max Settings to read UNLIMITED in clients panels under Online Price.

In our reseller Panels with JODOHOST it reads UNLIMITED under MAX, I've tryed everything I can think of to figure it out with no luck.

All but the LiteHOST read MAX Unlimited, since there is no MAX limit, you can have as many licenses as you wish in other words, but only the number in the plan are included, others are $.50/each a month
Thanks For the Reply,

No what I mean, under MAX I want it to read, UNLIMITED in my client panels. FOr example if i give a client 2 hosted domains and want the MAX option in the table to read UNLIMITED. I want my clients to see certain things are unlimited and will have to pay for the extras when the free amounts are used up.

How do you guys get the option under MAX to read UNLIMITED.
not sure but i think you just leave the field empty

it should say when your making a plan

you cant give one client unltd domains and another restricted to 3, if there on the same plan, you'll have to make a new plan for them

and in the control panel i thought it said "--" for unlimited :p
NO, my point is. I want it to say unlimited so they know they can purchase with no limits if they need more resources, after the free resources are used up.

In our reseller panels under online price under MAX it says UNLIMITED, how is this done.
I think hsphere does not use the term unlimited for the end-user accounts, you can see it in the reseller billing because it is at a different level.
Are you saying that if I want to have a plan with unlimited email boxes that I would put a zero in the max field? I put very high limits (e.g., 999) as a work around.
no, when you leave the field blank it means unlimited.

but on the CP unlimited is translated as a zero on the end-user panel