Miscellaneous questions


OK, I'll stop bugging support now with stupid questions and ask here instead...:p

I just signed up two days ago, and am trying to get everything sorted. I've done hosting before so I've been around the block with this, but this is the first time I've used h-sphere. I've read the documentation, which has certainly helped, but still have some questions.

Firstly, I'd like a bit of a suggestion. How do most of you group your plans? I know you have to group windows with windows and linux with linux, but I think that's the only restriction, correct? I was thinking of doing something like this:

For each plan, have one for linux (with ColdFusion - that's possible, right?), one for windows with ColdFusion, one for Windows with ASP and ASP.NET. So basically there'd be three versions of every plan.

I was thinking perhaps to group together all windows plans and all linux plans, so that a user could upgrade or switch plans as they wished, within the same OS. Because I also want them to be able to switch from ColdFusion to the ASP plans, etc....is this possible?

Next, I'm trying to figure out where to set domain registration settings. I have an ENom account, but can't figure out how to set these settings in H-Sphere.

Thirdly, I am completely confused about the VPSes. i wish the web site here provided a bit more information about them....I need an overall explanation of what's going on with these. I know what they are, but, well here are a few questions.

So I can create vps plans for vps accounts to be under? is it correct that I can only allocate, in total, 128mb of virtual memory to these plans and 20 processes? (I'm under the value host package). Does the disk space and transfer for these packages count towards my 5gb space and 80gb transfer?

Finally, what are the resellers here using these for? i can't think of a proper use; 128mb memory is not much, and especially to be split up. So I'd be interested to hear some comments.

And finally, (for now), does .htaccess work on the windows plans? I uploaded a .htaccess but it does not seem to be working. This is my first time using Windows hosting.


Cold Fusion is installed on dedicated Windows Server so you can not make Linux plans with CF. Rest is OK.

You can group and upgrade/downgrade on same type of servers. We have four Linux, Windows with Cold Fusion, Windows with ASP/ASP.NET and VPS. So you can make four types of plans. They can not upgrade/downgrade between Windows (CF) and windows (ASP/ASP.NET) Servers.

We have not fully integrated Domain Registration as many reseller wants to go for cheaper and much wider options which is not available in supported domain registrar. There is a big thread on this issue at our forums.

Yes, VPS disk space/transfer is counted in total disk space/transfer allocated in the Reseller Plan ie 5 GB/80 GB in your case.

Allocated VPS resources is sufficent for many applications. If more resources are need, it is available at additional cost.

Using File Manager in CP, you set .htaccess for folders to limit access.

Thanks for the reply!

I bipassed the .htaccess issue by adding .html to the list of PHP extensions in the H-Sphere panel. Now it works great.

Concerning ColdFusion and ASP, could I manually switch them if they requested it?

So the Linux plans just include PHP and Perl?

OK; are there plans for implementing domain registration? Again I have ENom right now but could use whatever was available. It'd be convenient for clients to be able to register domains as they signed up.

Concerning the VPSes, do they have any control panel, or are they just bare VPSes? What kind of issues would Jodohost support be able to cover? What I'm asking is to what extent can Jodohost support VPSes?

Atul said:
We have not fully integrated Domain Registration as many reseller wants to go for cheaper and much wider options which is not available in supported domain registrar. There is a big thread on this issue at our forums.

Why not integrate it and if someone wants to use there own registrar than all they have to do is disable the registron from the plan creation...

The big thread has been awaiting a reply for a while now ;)

I was told it was enabled for some time, but thre were too many complaints about it and the charges, it seems that some people don't have things being moderated and people are basically giving domains on the resellers account, causing problems when their info is invalid, etc.
I see that, but that shouldn't be Jodo's problem. Resellers should take care of themselves and moderate if necessary.

If they decide not to moderate, they might just as well check the "Moderate On Domain Registration" option to moderate ONLY accounts registering domain names.

I don't think other resellers should be penalized because of others not knowing how to take care of their new signups.