MovableType - 'application misbehaved' error


I know there have been several threads about this, but that MT does run on the win servers. However, I'm getting a new error when I try to access any of the .cgi files:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

I do have .cgi and .pl extensions set in my CP. I've set up a database and put the required info in mt-config.cgi (thanks to info in several posts here).

Any idea what this error means?

I'm on win11. Anyone know if the necessary plugins, etc. are on this server?
I believe for MT we have to install a few perl modules, I am also confident there is a mt-check script that will tell you if we need t install them, can you please load that and give me the results?
mt-check runs ok, but all other cgis give the "application misbehaved" error - including if you try to run a non-ecisting cgi. All that appears to be missing is Image::Magick (I opened a ticket about this).

(forum doesn't seem to let me paste in the contents of mt-check, so I'll PM you the URL)
I will get those modules installed today, the db_file module is probably the one throwing the most errors, as I think Mt uses it quite a bit.
Thanks. According to mt-check, DB-File is only needed if using Berkeley DB/DB_File backend. DBI is installed for mySQL. But probably doesn't hurt to have it.

Could the "application misbehaved" be due to execute permissions on those files? I know I initially put the cgi-bin in the wrong place (outside the doc root) and got this error on everything. Also strange that if you put in xxx.cgi you get the same error.
Image-Magick or Image::Magick are not supported on ActivePerl for windows, if you need these it looks like you need to use a Unix account.
I don't think this is true. I installed Image::Magick here on my test server, running ActiveState Perl. Here's the output from mt-check.cgi:

* Current working directory: C:/inetpub/wwwroot/mt
* MT home directory: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mt\
* Operating system: MSWin32
* Perl version: 5.8.7
* Perl include path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mt\plugins\spamlookup\lib
* Web server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1



Your server has Image::Magick installed (version 6.2.5).
Can you tell me where the perl ppm package is then?
I could not find it on any repository at all.

Also tried perl magick which is a imagemagick interface for perl, with no success.
I have installed image-magick before, but I did not think it was automatically installed into perl.