moving a site to another plan

hi guys.

one is my sites is doing so well (because of me of course... haha) that i have to upgrade it to a bigger plan.

do i have to build a new plan for it, or can i simply adjust the current settings for that site?

If only you are on the plan you can adjust the plan and then adjust your end user control panel accordingly, or you can make a plan, put them in the same group, and upgrade.
mananged to create the new plan and groups the 2.
now how to i move the site from one to the other?

almost there...

altho i have made the group - i only have one option under the "change account" icon and list.

this is thru the actual site, right? not my admin panel, right?
got it, thanks.
that tutorial is wrong, by the way - its under "account settings" not "quick access"

thanks for the help! :)