MSSQL11 slow - resolved


US Operations
Staff member
there is a db abusing the cpu and ram on mssql11, I am working to track it down and stop it ASAP, it is making some queries slower than normal.
Re: MSSQL11 slow, working to resolve

We've been good for about 20 minutes now, but I am working to make it even better. I found the abuse and got it stopped, then working on a few DB out of space loops that will further enhance as time goes on as well.
Re: MSSQL11 slow, working to resolve

Some Abuse is back I am checking it out again.
Re: MSSQL11 slow, working to resolve

I am having to restart the SQL Services on the server to correct it this time.
Re: MSSQL11 slow, working to resolve

the services have been restarted and will be up for all any minute.