Multiple panels... gateway processing


I have more then one hsphere reseller control panel, one with jodo and one with another supplier.

I am considering moving to a payment processing company for automatic billing /renewals for customers.

Once a customer pays, the amount would be applied to their account balance. Great.. but if you have more then one panel, will the gateway know which panel to apply the panel too? Does hsphere send with processing request the return url or is the return url something I have to set within the payment gateway company?

The questions is, will I need two payment gateways (one for each control panel?). ?(

Does anyone know?

I guess you are referring to the web-payment systems like Paypal.
Please check with them if you can setup multiple call-back URLs.
"Pass-Through Value" in Hsphere should be able to help you get them working for both, with a distinct value for each.
Not very sure, but this is how it appears at the first sight
Hi Tanya,

I did ask Paypal and they said you can only have one url. Also, they will not allow me to open a second account to do this either.

I will have to ask the bank gateway I am thinkg about using as well then. Hopefullt the pass thru will work.
