name server ip changes


at the moment i'm unable to change my name server ip's as i'm getting 'Error: IP address xx.xx.xx.xx is already taken by'

I've submitted a support req to my registrar, at the moment my name server are pointing to the old ip's and are working, I don't know how but they are. How long will this continue to work before the old ip's are realocated?

nex0r said:
..How long will this continue to work before the old ip's are realocated?


ASAP, we are sending out second reminder today.
I'm not a reseller, but when we are talking about it:
Hope this hasn't been answered here before

I have both my domains and my webhotel here, do I need to change the name servers then?
Retiring the old nameservers is fine with me, but it would be nice if the new secondary nameserver would actually resolve to the new IPs and not the old ones.

I submitted a ticket several days ago, listing the incorrect entries, but nothing has happened yet. The forwarding scripts seem to work most of the time, but both my nameservers should be returning the same results.