need help with rds login

hey jodohost people.

i am having trouble with this cold fusion startup

i installed the cold fusion mx, and i have iis installed and i created a db in access so i can test my CF pages by accesing the db.

but i get stuck at the rds login. the error is thati may have typed the wrong url to view my page, and another error is
that cold fusion may not be running but it is because when
i look at my processes i see the jrun.exe and jrunsrv.exe running.

when i try to view the administrator page to create a datasource, i wont display the admin page.

i have tried it all to get my cf page to query my db to dump the results on the webpage.

please anyone help!!!!!!!!
Ok, I take it you are on a local machine and not on a Jodohost server, since we don't give RDS.

When you installed CF did it take you to the setup screen to create the RDS password, admin password, and all of the initial setup? If not that is part of the problem.

you will need to go to:
to complete that process.

Note to everyone, that is a local loopback IP, you must have CF installed for it to work.
hey steven

i'm new to cold fusion and i have installed it, i enter my password in the administrator page and it takes me to the next step of installation.
eg. RDS setup and ODBC setup etc. it then asks me whether i want to disable RDS or what ever and enter a password. i enter a password and it takes me straight back to the login page, it's like instead of pressing next, your actually pressing previous.

it's really weird...i have tried everything and it just takes me back a step and tells me to enter login again. it's a repeated process. i can't get past the RDS Setup page.

it'm really pissed off!!!
i do use that url that u posted here but still i get no admin page

and i did set passwd when i installed cfmx, for the admin passswd and the rds passwd i set it to be the same.

i just dont know anymore, have tried everything i beileve,
its probably some dum thing that i am missing, and yes i am
going off localhost.
OK, I take it both of you have downloaded the latest Macromedia CF MX 6.1 trial/development server, right?

You are both running on windos XP with IIS 5.1? Or another configuration. Ok the next thing woudl be, when you instal you need to make sure you use IIS, not the internal server that is DOES come with. That is really all the tips I know to give, you might try the macromedia forums for more information.
i have tried using it with ms IIS and i am using the cold fusion mx,

but still have no connection.

i still cant get the admin page, i tried to connect without using
the admin page , creating a datasource on the odbc controller and using it on the cold fusion code but still i believe i need to set the datasource with the cold fusion, not manually with odbc controller, anyways if u can please post some places for help.