Network issue on switch2


US Operations
Staff member
There seems to be a slowdown on switch2, it is working at about 10% its normal speed. I am working to find the issue and resolve it now. Nothing is down but the switch may need to be reset as part of the resolution.
There will be a temporary loss of connectivity that should not be longer than 1 minute on, WinVPS, WinVPS2, Mail5, MySQL5, Web7, Win18, Win19 and possible one other server in the next 30 minutes as we restart switch2.
We have restarted and there still seems to be some issue with the speeds being subpar, they are faster than before but not optimial.
WE are moving all servers on this switch to a different switch to resolve the problem, this switch will then be RMAed as it has some major problems.
We restarted the network core switch about 10 minutes ago and it caused a 15-30 second outage.