New Mail Server

The new mail server I see has change in specs then what has lately been used, which is the Dual AMD Opteron 246 CPUs.

Is this what we going to use now for new servers (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310 Quad core 1.6Ghz)?

Is this server a better server then the AMD Opterons?

I just need to update my website with specs.
We had to make a change regardless because the Opterons 2XXs have been phased out in favor of the 2xxx series(change of socket, ram, etc) right now the AMD chips are lagging behind the new model Xeons so we decided to go with them. with Intel supporting quad core already, with the servers we have the ability to put up to 8 CPUs in one socket with the best performance available.

AMD is still some months away from quad core, and while their's may end up being better than the Xeon's we decided this was the best route for now.