New User Questions


Forgive me if these are simplistic... I'm a software guy not an admin.

IPs - I received the 2 IPs with my signup which were used for my NS. It looks like 1 of those is available as a shared IP for my domains.

Is the other available for an exclusive IP for my main website?

Are there no issues using my NS IPs for websites or should I get 1-2 more for the websites?


Asp.Net - By default when I created a domain (with enabled) it did not create the aspnet_client folder... I had to go into the Asp.Net icon and create it.

Did I miss something in the domain template?


Asp.Net - I uploaded my normal Net application. It reads/writes text files. The writing is failing.

On my reseller account - the folder permissions were correct out of the box.

On my home localhost... I had to muck with the permissions in IIS.

I didn't want to go messing with my VPS IIS directly when I assume I'm missing something in Plesk.

NS can be used on both IPs, "exclusive" just means for the port 80 really, the DNS will still run fine on it.

ASP.NET, yes oyu need to go to icon as you did.

Permissions, give a shot to the permissions fix tool in plesk first, if it doesnt wrok then go set them manually in the remote desktop. the permissions tool should correct, and it may have medium trust in the server config, you can change it to full if that is any issue.
For anyone else who runs into this problem...

When you run into the permission error trying to write a file in Net 1.14 everyone on the Net will tell you to grant write rights to User ASPNET.

That does not work on IIS 6.0 (unless running in in IIS5.0 Isolation Mode)

The user is actually IUSR_ComputerName . Under Jodo Pleske it was hard determining exactly which user needed permission. Either the IUSER_*** alone did not work or I forget to apply the change when I added it. I actually ended up giving full permissions to several of the Pleske users. I'll research it farther after I get my new site live.

To see all the users...
  1. Right Click on the Folder
  2. Click Properties
  3. Go to the security tab
  4. Click Advanced

Stephen might know the exact users you have to give access to since on the normal windows 2003 servers ASP.Net 1.14 has full permissions by default when you add a domain.

Here are the applicable MS Documents on this:

IIS 5 Isolation mode in IIS 6.0;en-us;895967

IIS and Built-in Accounts (IIS 6.0)

Hope this saves some people some time.

This is just a plesk issue, you can actually run the plesk configuration tool vhosts security wizard and it will correct it all for you in a "wizard" interface :)
This is just a plesk issue, you can actually run the plesk configuration tool vhosts security wizard and it will correct it all for you in a "wizard" interface :)

Where is this? I ran most of the items in the Plesk reconfiguator and it did not fix it.

I also ran the 'check permissions' on the domain (and allowed it to fix them) and it did not help.

I have not heard of this then, and there are a number of client using on the VPSes, some quite heavily. If you could send in a ticket to the desk(use the one built into the hsphere login for the vps, or send to the support mail as given on the welcome mail) and I will research it first in the morning.
I have not heard of this then, and there are a number of client using on the VPSes, some quite heavily. If you could send in a ticket to the desk(use the one built into the hsphere login for the vps, or send to the support mail as given on the welcome mail) and I will research it first in the morning.

How many are running Framework 1.14 and need to write text files?

I've already deleted the current application on the domain because I was just using that as a test before I uploaded my main site.

Tomorrow I'll create a new domain and a test application that shows the error. I can't access the server during the day so itll be later.

I have not heard of this then, and there are a number of client using on the VPSes, some quite heavily. If you could send in a ticket to the desk(use the one built into the hsphere login for the vps, or send to the support mail as given on the welcome mail) and I will research it first in the morning.

Ok... I added a brand new domain with Asp.Net 1.14 install and full trust. I have not run any of the Pleske permission utilities on this domain.

I created a little test app.

Button 1 uses a TextReader to read a file - no issues.
Button 2 uses a TextWrite to write to a file - permission issues.

If Pleske is really suppose to handle the permission setting to write files in 1.14 then I guess I need to run some Pleske utility or my installis bad.

If there is some Pleske utility that needs to be run then let me know what and I'll try it.

There is nothing on my VPS that is in production yet so you have my permission to do anything you need to look at this.

It is a security issue, you need ot grant permissions to the IWPD_user for the files it needs write access to, for security purposes I woudl NOT do this on every file.

That being said to get the exact user needing it I dropped in a little piece of code to tell me the user, I left that file you can save and use it later for such troubleshooting, it is good :)