Newbie Cold Fusion Help


Hey guys, I have been using Cold Fusion for about 3 weeks now, and I love it. My job has basically demanded my knowledge of cold fusion, and I now have fallen in love, but I still am very new at it. This is really the first coding language I have learned prior to HTML, but I am getting the hang of it.

I work as a intern web developer in the health care field, and I am working on creating an application that will allow me to take in web requests online from different departments in the hospital and then in turn have a backend that will manage my projects by date, completion, progress, etc. So far I am about 1/2 done with the project. But I need some help from you guys.

The user interface is located on my test site right now at Feel free to fill out the form to see what it does. The admin section is located at I coded a security login with the user: test pass: test When you login you will see some information that links to a details page for each project etc. I am trying to get the area up top in the Project Details box ( where it says, "Today's date is 6/26/04. There have been 15 total requests from departments.") to display the number of departments that have submitted a project. I cant seem to get the query. If anyone knows of a cfoutput attribute, or some other way of displaying this without a query please let me know.

Also if you could critique my first project, I would love some feedback. Thank you! :)
Although there are alot of cold fusion techies at this forum, I'd also recommend and as mediums to ask your questions. They were very helpful to me when I was learning a few languages
here is one of a couple ways you could do

1.) Query

<cfquery name="getDept" datasource="#datasource#">
FROM RequestTable

Todays Date is #DateFormat(Now(),'m/dd/yy')#. There have been #queryname.Recordcount# total requests from #getDept.Recordcount# departments.

You can also use a loop and go through your current query and check for unique Departments. It is easier just to add the small query above. The processing time is minimal.
Hope that helps.

And YASh, I have noticed a small number of CFers on here. Thanks for supporting us.