Paypal commerce kit


Anybody used this?

I just read on the forum and seems like csk 1.1 need "full trust"

I'm curious as if anybody have it installed successfuly?

In addition, i'm thinking of purchasing ASPDotNetStoreFront shopping cart, anybody have expereince with it as well?

and again, they need full trust.

both of the kits will work on the software later for medium trusted environment, but for now, they only work with full trustd enviornment.
I'm interested in running CSK as well, had no luck at first but I'm new at ASP so think I did it wrong. Let me know if you get it to work.
I got it running but the last step which needs to talk to paypal requires full trust, can't do it here on jodo in 2.0 directories.

Jodo here in .net 1.1 allows full trust though. For the minute, I might need to move my csk to another host temporarily till jodo 2.0 directories start to support full trust.

hope it helps.