PayPal IPN


I set up the paypal gateway and set the IPN like on the documentation:
The example of callback URL is:
The URL structure is: CP_PROTOCOL://CP_HOST:CP_PORT/psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.payment.PayPalServlet

CP_PROTOCOL: http or https
CP_HOST: domain name you host, e.g.:
CP_PORT: port of your CP, e.g.: 8080

I set it up with https and the correct port as this is how I set up the control panel, yet a client tried to sign up and the link didn't work. I gave him the url for the cp as if not using the ssl and that link worked. Is there something else I need to activate for the secure cp to accept the paypal callback?
Thanks. I had added the port. Didn't know you didn't have to.
I hope this one works. Have to wait until another customer signs up to test it I guess.
You can check this by signing up a test account. Anyway, we will be available here when you need :)