PayPal IPN

Anyone / Jodohost,
Has anyone use Pay Pal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) successfully?

I set mine up today and signed up using a test plan and a paypal account (not my merchant account). I was able to send payment and did not receive any errors during sign up, however the CP did not credit the account with the payment.

Any help from Jodohost or anyone would be much appreciated.

I do have "moderate everything" enabled; does this stop auto payment processing?

thanks in advance
We are using IPN alongwith several our resellers.

Moderating account does not stop automated payment processing by Paypal. When a paypal payment is made, in moderated accounts, you will see a statement like (paid $ 00.00) out of $ 00.00. This indicate that paypal payment has been made and whether entire amount is paid or not.

Please open a ticket with IPN you are using. Support will look into it.