bgd.dll -- GD library binary, downloadable from LibGD.org -- LibGD.org/releases/
GDLibrary.dll -- ActiveX wrapper DLL for using GD library in ASP pages. Downloadable from Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=9202&lngWId=4
More info:
Create Dynamic Images (Advanced) (.gif,.jpg,.png) (Server-Side with GD Library): Create Dynamic Images (Advanced) (.gif,.jpg,.png) (Server-Side with GD Library) by Trevor Herselman
The ASP CAPTCHA Project: SourceForge.net: The ASP CAPTCHA Project and The ASP CAPTCHA Project by Shyam Sundar C S
Thank you,
GDLibrary.dll -- ActiveX wrapper DLL for using GD library in ASP pages. Downloadable from Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=9202&lngWId=4
More info:
Create Dynamic Images (Advanced) (.gif,.jpg,.png) (Server-Side with GD Library): Create Dynamic Images (Advanced) (.gif,.jpg,.png) (Server-Side with GD Library) by Trevor Herselman
The ASP CAPTCHA Project: SourceForge.net: The ASP CAPTCHA Project and The ASP CAPTCHA Project by Shyam Sundar C S
Thank you,