Possible switch issue - several nodes out.

Turns out the PDU was ok, but the breaker was very hot, we moved over to spare and calling in the electrician for checking the other in the morning, it was running all within spec at 80% so it should not have tripped even even there was a spinup of HD for a burst.
Most servers up, we are checking others for any chkdsk or other work that may be done as we suspect some may occur due to a bad shutdown.
WIn17 is up, HVM17 was hanging due to boot order change due to a usb key being in the server for loading drivers, and that is resolved now.
We have seen some VMs did not start on boot for all, we are manually auditing all VMs that should be up are up.
OH we checked and got all the VMs up some minutes from the last post, this issue is closed as of now. But the now old circuit will be checked out in the morning once businesses reopen.