Post Deletion - Our policy


Our aim here at JodoHost is to keep this forum absolutely free from censorship. But we as a company must also ensure that we continue to attract new business in order to sustain ourselves. From now on, we plan to delete threads that are very long (more than one page) and have a problem within them which:

1) Has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties
2) Has already been posted in another thread

New customers get discouraged when they see a problem on our forum that may already have been resolved. They may not have the patience to read uptil the last post to find out that it has already been resolved. We have received pre-sales questions from time to time asking whether a certain issue on the forum still exists (which was say posted back in May, 2003). Therefore I hope everyone on this forum understands this is necessary. If you have any apprehensions, you can open a thread in CHit Chat.