Problem setting up DSN Servers

Hi, I just signed up for a reseller account and I was following the step-by-step guide but when I went to to create the name servers with the ip address provided from the control panel keep sending me an emal with an error message..

Here is the message:
The registration of NS1.WASTEDHALO.COM has FAILED.
The IP you requested for this name server was:
Error: (551) Parent domain status does not allow for operation;
Please contact for assistance.

It seems like the control panel is giving me the wrong IP addresses or something.

Also my domain "" is being used and is still pointing at my old hosts dnd servers, I don't know if might cause this.
It doesn't tell you to go to godaddy untill after you create the name servers in the control panel, so of course I set them up, how else would I have had the IP addresses to use at godaddy???
Ok, Just in case anyone else has this problem....

You have to set the name servers for your domain to
ns.m**** & ns2.m****

Then create the DNS servers with the registar.

Once my dns servers are working I'll set them to be used by my domain.