Question about AWStats, and about Disk Space Usage


I've got two questions;

Since it appears that the AWStats archive file that gets generated has no noticeable value or use, other than to take up massive amounts of space, is there a way to stop AWStats from generating this file? I'd rather not have to keep an eye on it and having to delete it when it gets too big (just deleted it at 267 MB).

Also, a question on site space usage. Is it normal that once disk space usage reaches it's limit that no other files can be written, thus causing problems for website functions that require disk space? My assumption was that if I went over the limit, I would simply be billed for extra space. Tonight, apparently due to the AWStats file getting too big, I reached my 400 MB limit and parts of my site stopped working altogether.

The Hsphere quota service has the probabability to stop disk writes, and only allow downloads. That is probably what happened. I will email the develpers again about the log files as they are so massive in size that they are in the way in a big way.