Yes Yash,
I have looked around at hosting companies and what they offer... including Jodo... but for extras I have no idea what they are worth and what is reasonable to charge. bandwith/mo extra? transfer/mo extra? Mime types... when setting up a plan's prices. I am ok to setup the initial fees, but when a customer goes over the limit or wants to buy extra. I have no idea what to charge...
My plan is to target two groups:
1. Small time webmasters
2. Mid-Large Developers.
For the small time, they need not have all the extras, but I still need to set prices for them in case they want them added.
For the Mid-Large, They need the access to more resources and bandwith/space but extra... Have no idea what it is worth. i would set a price, but I dont know if i will lose out or if it will make me a respectable enough profit. I will take some time to learn more about the features included, but as far as additional costs for these items, even doesnt say how much EVERYTHING is for additional stuff. only the main things.