Secure ASP.Net Programming

Hi all,

I started about 2 years ago. However never really programmed securely or maybe secure enough. Does anyone know any resource that can point me to the right direction for secure online programming techiques? any help would be great. Thanks.
what is that you dont' feel you might not be programming securely?

for one thing, whenever you query against db, you need to put them into ParameterCollection to prevent sql injections.

In addition, password or senstive information should be encyrtped and decrypted.

On top of all these, you should have SSL for things like credit card information and all to prevent spoofing.

Just the things come up to my mind right now.
Thanks! I've been doing all those things so far and actually doing server side user inputs to ensure no funny things entered from website.

The reason i want to know this topic is because I never really have a real world experience as web programmer, and all the stuff i learned so far is self-taught. I am not sure if i am doing the right thing for my clients, i don't want to put my clients in risk.

Anyone and give me more suggestion, greatly appreciated!

Thanks again.