SendMailCDOSYS error


In the last day I've been getting errors when trying to send mail from the site.

It used to work perfectly but now the line

SendMailCDOSYS = objMail.Send

produces an error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80070005' 

Access is denied. 

/system/functions.asp, line 129

Is this to do with the upgrade? And how can you make it work again?

Need more info :)

this looks like asp so no should not have anything to do with .net updates.

Let me know ticket ID that has site name on it, so can check further.
Ticket ID: DIJ-62198-204

No change at all to the site in past few months so this has come out of the blue.
it was updated in ticket, but just FYI there is no way to search by instant alias, so we need real domain to check it out properly :)