Signup Access Problem


I'm having a problem with setting up access to my plans.

I have logged in as the administrator and changed one of my plans so that only the Administrator is allowed to create (This was done by going into Signup Access and ticking the box for admin).

I have then turned ON the signup for the plan (so that it is now green buttom).

so far so good, i can see the magnifying glass next to my plan.

However clicking on the hour glass takes me to the first part of the sign up but with an error.

E R R O R ! ! !
Signup failed. Please email the error message to our administrator at the following address:

no error message is displayed!

Please can someone tell me what is going wrong

many thanks
Is this the first time you are creating an account under this plan? If so, check whether you have selected correct server type in the plan for supported features ie ASP.NET will not be available on Cold Fusion server.

Please open a ticket and someone will look at how you have setup your plans.
No this is not the first time i have used this signup.

it is a coldfusion signup, but this should make no difference.

If i turn on full access it works fine, but that is not want i want.

I only want the administrator account to be able to signup to this plan. It is not working... but why