I'm attempting to use a FormMail.pl and because I'm on a Windows server, the program's file states this:
If your web server lacks a sendmail binary, you can
use an SMTP relay instead, by setting $mailprog like
$mailprog = 'SMTP:mailhost.your.domain';
You will need to replace mailhost.your.domain with
the name or IP address of an SMTP server configured
to relay mail for the web server.
So, my question is this... if my domain name is www.soonerbandb.com, shouldn't I use:
$mailprog = 'SMTP:mail.soonerbandb.com';
Or am I missing something? Everything seems to be working - but I'm not receiving any emails from the form.
If your web server lacks a sendmail binary, you can
use an SMTP relay instead, by setting $mailprog like
$mailprog = 'SMTP:mailhost.your.domain';
You will need to replace mailhost.your.domain with
the name or IP address of an SMTP server configured
to relay mail for the web server.
So, my question is this... if my domain name is www.soonerbandb.com, shouldn't I use:
$mailprog = 'SMTP:mail.soonerbandb.com';
Or am I missing something? Everything seems to be working - but I'm not receiving any emails from the form.