Some Network issues


US Operations
Staff member
We are having some packetloss in some routes, we have been working on it for some time now, and are continuing to do so.
This apparently appears to be a DOS attack on some of our IPs. We are looking into it.

So far the issue has been mitigated
The attack involved extraordinarily high pps traffic. We had 150,000 packets per sec coming in. Such traffic can easily bring down routers.

The issue has been resolved now.
Just to add a few details, it was against one VPS3 users system, we are looking into more details on the how's and why's now, but for now the issue is minimal to resolved.
Is this the second one since moving to NAP? Are they a vulnerability to DDoS attacks and such?
This is the only DOS attack we have had this year. And it has nothing to do with moving to the NAP. Infact our new provider - InterNAP is far more proactive in helping us deal with DDOS and DOS attacks.
Antic, we were only in NAP for 1 day, and this was only the 3rd DOS in 3 years
No probs.. I mistook the two separate status updates for two separate incidents in succession, hence the question. :)
I was posting what we knew right as it happened, Yash posted after we were on the phone with internap working to trace and resolve it.