Some reports of network issue - outside our network


US Operations
Staff member
There are some reports of a network issue making some timeouts, India office saw it and alerted me but checking here all looks within normal levels.

They are working again there in the India office now, and it looks to have been a momentary issue but we are watching and will inform if there is any line cut or problem we can learn of to tell you the cause.
We are checking to make sure there isn't another one of the crafted packet attacks going on here as well, I'm not seeing large issues here locally like last time but want to verify all is good on the routing side as well.
not seeing any such issues on routes that we can control thankfully.

Also notable are some very major problems across the US right now:

We continue to monitor the situation, as we are seeing a traffic drop from it, but not entirely sure where it is at this point.