Sporatic Outages of service

I'm trying to get some information on why multiple hosted domains are having email failures almost daily now. Is there a problem with the mail server? They all have been moved to the new server, so there shouldn't be an issue.

Let me know if anyone else is complaining about this, and what we can do to fix it.
The mail server hardly ever goes down. Its been at 100% uptime for the last 30 days

Are you sure this is not a propogation issue?
Not sure to be honest, it's affecting individual boxes.

I have 6 mail boxes on the server, sometimes, only 5 of the 6 will work. While I can log in via the webserver, I can't via pop3 (outlook).

Yesterday, I got emails saying that my box couldn't accept mail...(will post the error message and time so you can look at the logs)
I updated them a long time ago. They're done via Enom. They have 5 name servers, all current.

Either the mail can't get through, or I can't connect via outlook. It's a usual occurance, atleast 1 or 2 a day.

I regularly send mail to this account from here....it failed.

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: RE: Web Page
Sent: 1/8/2004 9:17 AM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

doc@inwis.com on 1/8/2004 9:17 AM
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a= ;p=Performance Cont;l=EXCH1-040108151644Z-665743

This one did too. However all my other accounts could recieve mail.

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: joke for mom
Sent: 12/30/2003 8:31 AM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'rob@newwebz.com' on 1/1/2004 8:31 AM
The recipient was unavailable to take delivery of the message
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a= ;p=Performance Cont;l=EXCH1-031230143052Z-624519
MSEXCH:IMS:performance Contracting, Inc.:pCG_NT:EXCH1 3499 (000B09AA) Host unreachable
Here it is happening again. I can check it out in the web, but can't access it via http. this is for my account... doc(at)inwis(dot)com.

My other accounts on the server I can access it no problem via outlook, however, this account cannot be accessed via outlook, but it does work for the web. when i ping it, I get the correct server.
Yash said:
there is some issue with our DNS server, we're looking into it

I have seen on and off name resolution problems with 2 of my domains yesterday. Let us know when this is resolved.
At this point, it's not even letting another one of my clients send mail...they can recieve, but not send. It's like they've been blacklisted from their own mail server, and no, they don't spam. It's a small shipping cargo company.

> > shows the following error message
> >
> > The message could not be sent because one of the
> > recipients was rejected by the server. The
> rejected
> > e-mail address was 'kimh@xxxxxintl.com'. Subject
> > 'Re:
> > shhhhhh tues 20th', Account:
> 'mixx.xxxxtl.net',
> > Server: 'maxx.xxxxtl.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server
> > Response: '553 sorry, your envelope sender is in
> my
> > badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)', Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
> > No,
> > Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
> >
> > and
> >
> > The message could not be sent because one of the
> > recipients was rejected by the server. The
> rejected
> > e-mail address was 'jrmoxxxx@xxxna.com'. Subject
> > 'Contact Info', Account: 'mixx.xxxxtl.net',
> Server:
> > 'maxx.xxxxtl.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server
> Response:
> > '553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my
> > badmailfrom
> > list (#5.7.1)', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
> > Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
> >
> >

I don't use your DNS Server, My DNS servers (ENOM) point to your servers. I highly doubt it's a DNS issue. I think the mail services and server you are using are highly suspect.

I'd like to get a detailed description of what the error is. I am a techie also, so, I may be able to help you figure out what is going on, and what to do to possibly avoid this in the future.
> > '553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my
> > badmailfrom

OK, talked to our admin. This error is happening because we have installed SpamGuard. If you sending more than 100 emails at the sametime, it will return this

Bulk emailing is not a problem with us as long as its not unsolicted. If you want to bulk email, open a ticket

If you are not bulk emailing, let me know and I'll have this looked into ASAP
Yash said:

Well I am not sending 100 emails at a time so I don't think this is the problem. And it doesn't seem to be just email as it was affecting any domain name...so it was/is a dns problem
yorri said:
Well I am not sending 100 emails at a time so I don't think this is the problem. And it doesn't seem to be just email as it was affecting any domain name...so it was/is a dns problem

You are still experiencing some problem?
Yash said:
You are still experiencing some problem?

No but it sounds like a problem is being denied. I submitted a ticket which never was replied to (although when I posted a response, then the reply from yesterday showed up...and I never did receive an email response - which was to be sent to my hotmail account)....then I come here and find I wasn't the only one having the problem and the reply to my ticket was telling me that there is no problem.

I am confused but I know there was a problem...it would be nice to get a confirmation of that...and that it isn't happening still because I am expecting some very important emails.

I am also confused because it sounds like you are blaming this on spam software but I am sure that it has/had nothing to do with my or others' problems.

I just want some closure on the issue.
1) to know what was happening
2) to know that you are doing something to prevent it from happening again
3) that whatever happened is not happening now...although it doesn't appear to be from my end but I can't tell until someone emails me and tells me...which is why I left my last host....How am I supposed to know if emails are getting to me if I don't know they are being sent..People don't call me to tell me they are sending email..I only know if they tell me that they bounced back. And since it was happening sporatically...meaning that 80% of my mail WAS making it through...it is almost impossible for me to tell if this IS still happening..I hope you can understand my concern, confusion and frustration.

Appended note: it also appears that asp is not working on my site anymore but I am still doing tests to figure out why? I disabled ASP and reenabled it but that didn't seem to make a difference. I am now going to try some blank pages now.

If you go to http://www.yorri.com/test.asp you will see in the source code that it is outputting the source of the asp rather than processing it...This is not very secure if we are building applications for clients. This was working just the other day!!
1) The 553 outgoing error was due to SpamGuard. It was installed recently but not implemented properly. we disabled it for the time being
2) Regarding the site unavailability problem, we spent a huge amount of time investigating this yesterday and today. It had something to do with the binding of IPs but we are not sure. We contacted PSOFT and they have claimed that they have fixed it. We are just waiting and watching. Hopefully that would be the end of it
3) You shouldn't have any mail problems now. Your MX record is fine. Try sending in email to yourself. If it persists, open a ticket

Your ticket wasn't answered because we were investigating the problem at that time. I'm sorry, I'll ask our admin to give you an update next time

Regarding your ASP problem, submit a ticket and we'll look into it ASAP. It has nothing to do with DNS
Yash said:
1) The 553 outgoing error was due to SpamGuard. It was installed recently but not implemented properly. we disabled it for the time being
2) Regarding the site unavailability problem, we spent a huge amount of time investigating this yesterday and today. It had something to do with the binding of IPs but we are not sure. We contacted PSOFT and they have claimed that they have fixed it. We are just waiting and watching. Hopefully that would be the end of it
3) You shouldn't have any mail problems now. Your MX record is fine. Try sending in email to yourself. If it persists, open a ticket

Your ticket wasn't answered because we were investigating the problem at that time. I'm sorry, I'll ask our admin to give you an update next time

Regarding your ASP problem, submit a ticket and we'll look into it ASAP. It has nothing to do with DNS

Ok good to know that it has been looked at...and as I mentioned a response was made to my ticket but it didn't show up until I posted a response to it...which also meant it didn't send me an email either. I will see if the next ticket suffers the same problem.....

because I just submitted a ticket about asp not working. I am sure it has nothing to do with the previous problem but this isn't the first time that asp has not worked for me so I am not too impressed. I hope this isn't going to keep happening but I would rather that than dns routing errors because I rely on email more than for the domain name for websites.