SSH Access




I plan to sign up as a reseller for your services... The pricing and support are simply amazing. But, there is only one hinderance coming in my way for Signup... SSH/ telnet access for the linux accounts... I had quite some time trying to get SSH access, but was no use.. Hence, I thought of some workaround...

how about providing ssh access to 1 of our static IP Addresses? Say, I have a public IP address,, cant the access be granted to this IP only? I would think this would be a nice thing... Each reseller, if they have a static IP, can be granted access.. In this way, it would be possible to have access to the shell and then, at the same time, keep a track of the problematic IPs... and ban them if required... :D

Please let me know if this is a suitable option...

Best Regards,
Calvin P