SSL Setup


Coming from RC, I'm not used to this feature "
One step buy and install SLL certificate". Looking through the forum I noticed it wasn't fully tested out last month. Has that been tested and what is the details (browsers supported) and price of it?

Also, I've always used freessl, now for certs, but they've jacked their price up quite a bit. What else do people recommend that would be less than $50/year?

Thanks in advance

The details on the one step ssl as still rather unclear, it requires us to sign up as a reseller with them to sale, and then to keep a pre-paid balance with them to allow the use of them. From what I understand, it woud have our name, and not be something that would generally be wanted by resellers :(

I would recommend one of the other services like
for the reseller program and:
To just buy one or a a few, starting at $29.95 a year. They are rather easy to install, and their management interface that I have used was among the best I have seen.
A client was moving from another host, and their interface actually let me regenerate the certificate for the CSR here, as the customer did not have all the previous info, it was quite impressive.
Thanks. I've installed certificates many times before with hsphere but through the normal procedure. I just wasn't sure what this one step thing was, but it doesn't soud like just one step. I just started a renewal for one of mine with rapidssl (which is almost up) and I'm gettting a pretty good deal (3 extra months and only $34), so it's probably easiest for me to stay with them at least another year.